Thursday, January 28, 2010

And, The Winners Are....

After a very scientific, random drawing (seriously, people, I drew the names out of a hat...), the winners of Frugal Is The New Sexy's first giveaway a

Shawna, who said, "I'm now a follower!". Shawna, you've won the Food Network Best of the Best Cookbook.

Maryann, who said, "Okay, I'm already a follower, subscribed to the feed and became a Facebook fan! I have no idea what Twitter is or how it works so I'm out on that one! I LOVE your blog, have told my friends and am employing coupons and deals more than ever! Bless you and your work here! We are trying to save where we can and I never knew how many great deals were out there! Thanks again!" Maryann, you've won the $20 Visa Gift Card!

And, Brie, who said "I also am a fan on Facebook!". Brie, you've won The Pioneer Woman Cooks!

Now, here's what you'll need to do to claim your prize:
Leave a comment on this post and include your email address. I'll email you to work out the logistics and get your stuff to you asap.

Congratulations, and thanks to all who entered for making Frugal Is The New Sexy a success!


  1. Yeah!!!!! I don't ever win anything! So excited!!!!!!

  2. I'm excited for you, Shawna! What's your email address?

  3. I've been checking all day to see who the lucky people were who won. I sure was surprised when I saw I had one PW's cookbook!!! Thanks so much, Shelly! I love what you've done with your new blog and all the work you put into finding such great deals for all of us. You can reach me at brieblogs (at) optonline (dot) net.

  4. AWESOME!!! I never win anything!! I'm so excited!
    Thanks so much!


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